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If Belle (Beauty and the Beast) was ridiculed by everyone for being ‘weird’ because she likes books, why is there a bookshop open in a town full of book haters?

Well, she’s seems to be the shops only customer. Idk if the book shop owner had to pay taxes or anything so maybe that’s why his store is still open

Cause she straight up reads them aloud (in song no less) to sheep

Because men lived in the village too

Well, she also is only friends with sheep, and her dad is clearly insane. She just reads and sings/talks to sheep all day, she’s definitely a weirdo. I’m more curious as to what kind of ruler the Beast will be after that, he definitely doesn’t have any governance experience or anything, I mean homeboy forgot how to eat AND he killed everyones favorite guy. Like… the townspeople will know that their lord killed Gaston and married the weird girl no one liked, and then he’s going to have to… what? Levy taxes? Enact reforms? I bet they riot within the first week.

She wasn’t ridiculed for being weird just because she liked books. Her father was seen as a crazy failure inventor. She spent all her time helping him with his wacky inventions instead of doing conventional woman stuff. She rarely went into town outside of getting necessary supplies and books. There’s nothing in the film that says the entire town hates books, it’s just the idea that a woman like Belle, or women in general, shouldn’t be reading them AS MUCH as she does.