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If Belle (Beauty and the Beast) was ridiculed by everyone for being ‘weird’ because she likes books, why is there a bookshop open in a town full of book haters?

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Questa volta abbiamo cercato: If Belle (Beauty and the Beast) was ridiculed by everyone for being ‘weird’ because she likes books, why is there a bookshop open in a town full of book haters?
If Belle (Beauty and the Beast) was ridiculed by everyone for being ‘weird’ because she likes books, why is there a bookshop open in a town full of book haters?

Ed ecco le risposte:

It was more because she was a pretty girl pursuing intellectual interests instead of finding a man.

They don’t ridicule Belle purely for reading. It’s because she’s generally ‘odd’: the daughter of the town eccentric who spends her time fantasizing about fairy stories and talking to sheep, instead of conforming to the norm.

Gaston is the only one who outright says that it’s not right for a woman to read, since he’s an unrepentant chauvinist.

Because otherwise how would the townspeople know how to spot the nerds?

It was because she spent every morning insulting everyone else in the village.

She was not considered weird just because she read, it was mostly because:

A) She was the daughter of the town madman and seemed to have a faily similar personality

B) She spent ALL her time reading, which, especially for a poor peasant girl, was extremely unusual at that time

So the town was not full of “book haters” they just thought it strange she seemed to prefer books to people and most other, more ladylike or active, hobbies.