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Is there another ‘family’ or ‘genus’ of animals with only one remaining species (like humans)?

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60 utenti della rete avevano questa curiosità: Spiegami: Is there another ‘family’ or ‘genus’ of animals with only one remaining species (like humans)?

Is/are there example(s) of creatures currently living on earth where the creature is the sole remaining species of its 'family' or 'genus,' like homo sapiens?

Ed ecco le risposte:

It’s not common but there are other categories with only one species. For example, the aardvark is the only species in the order Tubulidentata. More examples can be found

Lots of em. The aye aye and aardvark come to mind. The term you’re after is “monotypic taxon”

I don’t know whether it is generally accepted or not, but I have read articles that say there are three varieties of chimpanzee – chimpanzee, bonobo and human. If that is true, it is not universally accepted that we are the one remaining species in our family.

Take that with a huge grain of salt. I don’t claim expertise – I am mostly posting to see if someone who does has something interesting to say about it. Hopefully that does not violate the rules of the sub – if it does, oops.

leather back turtles are the last species of a genus i can’t remember the name of

im not an expert so take it with a grain of salt