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Kids who actually chose Bulbasaur, how’d you turn out?

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Kids who actually chose Bulbasaur, how’d you turn out?

Ed ecco le risposte:

Enjoying life while you’ll never get back all that time spent grinding just to beat Brock and Misty’s Starmie.

Addicted to marijuana, living on the streets selling my body for drugs. You don’t want to know how the squirtle kids turned out…

My house has been taken over by a variety of plants. At first it was just for esthetics, but after a few months I was able to communicate with them through sheer willpower. I can’t sleep at night as they scream at me, and the nightmares are neverending.

Wish I picked Squirtle now.

Turned out to kick Brock and Misty’s ass in their own Gyms. Psht.

You learn long term payout with a Bulbasaur.

Plus Venusaur Let’s you smoke Giovanni.