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Non Trump supporters, whats one thing you like about him/things he’s doing well? and Trump supporters what’s one thing you don’t like about him/things he’s doing?

He’s opened my eyes to how fucked our political system can become when the presidency has supporters that refuse to hold him accountable for anything.

Non supporter.

Right to try act, animal cruelty is now a felony, and his stance on China.

With that being said, his actions on China aren’t productive. Not focused on the right things, could be doing more, and what he says to the people versus actions are two separate things.

I think he’s done an excellent job (though likely unintentionally) at exposing just how poor our government is at doing things.

I’m a trump supporter and I think he should concentrate on free healthcare like the NHS

I’m not his biggest fan, but I think most of the criticism he gets is way overblown. He gets flak for stuff that would have been ignored under Obama.