Domande di Internet

Non Trump supporters, whats one thing you like about him/things he’s doing well? and Trump supporters what’s one thing you don’t like about him/things he’s doing?

Bentornati ad un’altra super edizione delle domande di cultura generale!

Questa volta abbiamo cercato: Non Trump supporters, whats one thing you like about him/things he’s doing well? and Trump supporters what’s one thing you don’t like about him/things he’s doing?
Non Trump supporters, whats one thing you like about him/things he’s doing well? and Trump supporters what’s one thing you don’t like about him/things he’s doing?

Ed ecco le risposte:

Some of the things he says make me laugh

He signed a bill turning animal abuse into a federal offense

I support the First Step Act. Literally nothing else.

How much publicity he gets. I know he’s the president and all, but you gotta admit he’s good at making people talk about him.

Bad attention is still attention.

well, he is really good at “not giving a fuck about anyone”