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Old-timers of Internet, which year felt worse than 2020 and why?

I’m 41 and I can’t think of anything even close within my lifetime.

I figure by MassimoL standards 41 is ancient.

Ok I’m not an oldie but my grandmother lived through world war 2 in France in Paris she was part of the French freedom fighters and so was my grandfather it was hard and my grandfather on the other side of my family lived in England and his house had been bombed but the bomb didn’t blow up due to my French family actually not building the bombs correctly on purpose I think that’s neat

Late sixties and early ’70’s, we had the Vietnam war body count nightly on the news, for years. Everyone was worried about being drafted (I was way too young.) There was plenty of angst to go around then. But I feel this year has probably been as bad or worse.

1743 was a pretty shit year for me personally

The 2008 financial collapse really fucked me up personally; I lost half my worth and had to hold on to my home with my fingernails.

Nothing compared to +210K Americans dead in six months though. At least not in my lifetime (I’m in my 40s).