Domande di Internet

Parents of Internet, what is the most embarrassing thing your child has done in public?

The most embarrassed I’ve felt with kids was from something I said. My daughter would repeatedly say “I love you” after she’d been fussed at for bad behavior. So I reprimanded her in Target and she just keeps saying it over and over and I got annoyed and raised my voice saying “DON’T TELL ME YOU LOVE ME.” Oooowweeee did I get some nasty looks.

I was heavily pregnant with my second kid and my oldest was 2 at the time. We were at my OB/GYN appt waiting to be called. This random guy walks out with his wife from the where the doctor rooms are and my oldest jumps out his chair screams ‘Daddy?! DADDY!’ and runs to the random guy. This guy looked mortified and awkward and said ‘Uh sorry buddy. I’m not.’ My son looked nothing like this guy and it was extremely embarrassing trying waddle up to this guy and try to pry my 2 year old off a random man.

I was the child.

At the beach, someone made a mermaid sculpture out of sand with her boobs out. I went and “accidentally” fell on top of her in an attempt to cop a feel. Didn’t ruin the sculpture, but I think my mom and aunt were pretty embarrassed.

My dad and uncle on the other hand, not so much.

So I’m in the backyard with my boys 3 & 5 and a garbage truck comes up and stops. My 5 year old gets excited and starts jumping up and down and screams “Hi old garbage man!”

My three sons, ages 3-7, began to loudly discuss the size of my nipples, as compared to theirs, at a Dairy Queen. Why do they know the size? Because I also have an infant daughter that was breastfeeding at the time, and so they then began to discuss how she sucks on them etc. The table of teenage boys next to us found all of this quite amusing. I did not.