Domande di Internet

People of Internet, what’s the one thing that pisses you off but you can’t do anything about it??

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Questa volta abbiamo cercato: People of MassimoL, what’s the one thing that pisses you off but you can’t do anything about it??
People of MassimoL, what’s the one thing that pisses you off but you can’t do anything about it??

Ed ecco le risposte:

Businesses and organizations that place promotional notices under the windshield wipers of parked cars:

It’s bad enough that they’re touching your vehicle without permission, but worse still when the person lifting your wiper scratches the finish with their belt buckle.

Inability to unsalt food after adding too much.


Also cyclists who think red lights don’t apply to them.

My neighbor is a Karen and she keeps trying to antagonize my husband thinking he’s going to get as violent and unruly as she is so she can get him arrested thus instantly cause our eviction.

People littering, particularly in my alley and our nearby park areas.

I mean, I can pick up other people’s trash when I’m on walks, but I can’t “solve” the problem of too many people just not caring enough to bring their trash to one of the many prominently placed garbage receptacles.