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People who wear a mask while driving alone in their car. Why?

You aren’t supposed to touch your face or anything near it so I wear the mask when I go to public areas and I leave it on in case I forget to sanitize after touching something. If you touch your face or your mask and you’re in public then you’re proving the mask ineffective and this is why I have gripes with people who force others to wear a mask. I’ll do it out of respect for you but if you aren’t going to handle it the right way then why tf are you even wearing it.

To effortlessly irritate people who use the word “sheeple.”

Here in my car
I feel safest of all
I can lock all my doors
It’s the only way to live
In cars

I had to get a test. Someone I was around 4 days prior just tested positive. My daughter blocked my car in and I had to take hers. I wore a mask to reduce the risk of me contaminating her car.

I don’t want to waste masks. You’re supposed to switch to a new one if you take it off so if I’m making multiple stops I just keep my mask on.