Mini Guide

How Growing Up Can Change Your Mental Health

You may not know that your mental health can change as you grow up, but this is the case. As you get older, you might become more aware of the changes taking place in your body and mind, or develop a mental health condition due to abuse or neglect that you experienced at an early age. Keep reading for more information on how you can treat your mental health as an adolescent. 

two women posing and looking down at the camera
Author: Adam McCoid

Can an Adolescent Have a Mental Health Condition? 

Yes, an adolescent is able to have a mental health condition. They could have been exposed to abuse in their past, a toxic substance, or they might have been placed at risk during their mother’s pregnancy. Any of these things can lead to the development of a mental health issue. 

Besides that, as children become adolescents, there are many changes in their bodies and brains. This can cause them to become depressed or anxious, which are mental health ailments as well. 

For further details on adolescence, check out this page:

What You Can Do

If you notice that your teen has been exhibiting dangerous behaviors, or isn’t acting like themselves, it is a good idea to have them checked out. You may take them to their pediatrician first, so they will be able to rule out any physical illnesses that may be present. You can also ask them for a referral to a therapist. 

Once you make an appointment with a therapist, they should be able to complete tests and ask questions that allow them to diagnose any mental health condition that your child is experiencing. The sooner you seek treatment for your teenager, the better the chance that they may see a reduction in symptoms. 

Treatment Options

When it comes to treatment options, a child might need therapy to address the symptoms that are being experienced. This is especially the case if they have a mood or behavior disorder. A psychiatrist may even prescribe pills that should be taken, which are also designed to lessen symptoms. Your child’s therapist can talk to you about the proper treatment plan that should be followed and help you understand what you should expect. There’s a good chance that you won’t see changes right away, but they may happen. When you follow a treatment plan properly, it should be able to make a difference. Be sure to report to the therapist if any symptoms get worse or your teen doesn’t like the medicine they are taking. There may be other options available.

It’s Never Too Late

If you are an adult and feel that you were experiencing a mental health condition in your teens, you should still seek treatment for it. A trained professional may be able to help you and address any symptoms you have. 


Teens can be affected by mental health issues, and it is important to have them checked out at the first sign that something is different about their behavior. When they are failing classes, forgetting to maintain their hygiene, taking unnecessary risks, or they have had a sudden weight loss, this is the time to talk to a doctor. Your physician should be able to provide resources for you and help you find the child psychologist you need. 

About the author:

Marie Miguel has been a writing and research expert for nearly a decade, covering a variety of health- related topics. Currently, she is contributing to the expansion and growth of a free online mental health resource with With an interest and dedication to addressing stigmas associated with mental health, she continues to specifically target subjects related to anxiety and depression.