Domande di Internet

[Serious] Active US Military personnel of Internet, what are your thoughts and feelings about possibly being deployed to quell the protests occurring across the nation?

I’d take serious issue with it. It would only make the situation worse. Plus it’s an extremely immoral thing to do, and there is no defined “enemy,” like a rebel army with a specific cause.

Article 92 me. Unlike the president I have a basic understanding of our constitution.

I, _____, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; 

Looters and rioters have become domestic terrorist by their actions so yes fully support the oath and use of troops to stop terroristic actions.

To stop more destruction, I wouldnt mind. Businesses and lives of hard working americans are being destroyed. Our job is to support and defend the constitution, against all enemies, foreign and domestic. Just because you’re an American doesnt mean you’re entitled to our “protection”, especially if your destroying your own community.

So the global ‘Liberal Left’ have decided, en masse, to use race as the next weapon to weaken right-leaning governments. How marvellous it is to see crowds of white anarchists rioting and middle-aged white politicians pontificating in support of black people? Black lives do matter, but not one scintilla more than anybody else’s and are not an excuse for violence, destruction, civil disobedience and positive discrimination. To the left I say, be very careful about the fires you are lighting just now!