Domande di Internet

[Serious] Teachers of Internet, what kind of student were you, truthfully?

I won an award for “most tardies” in high school, turned work in late a lot, and argued with teachers when I thought they were wrong. I graduated 5th in my class which was fine, especially considering all that. I was so bored and unprepared for college.

I was smart enough to know exactly what I could get away with. I pushed the buttons of all the teachers I didn’t like with incredible success. One of my teachers specifically requested to not have my younger sister because of me. I also coasted through school without really trying and was still in my top ten upon graduation. I thought I was better than everyone else and I was just generally a complete tool. Adulthood straightened me out pretty quickly though, so that is fortunate

I put zero effort in most subjects I didn’t like after puberty.

Now as a teacher I put almost zero effort in the subjects I don’t want to teach.

I did well academically, but I acted out a lot and did stupid things in high school. Then I mostly half-assed my way through my undergrad before becoming a teacher. I finally shaped up in grad school, then started teaching again. I’m putting about 70% into my teaching now, but it’s a lot harder to do when I’m teaching through my laptop screen!

Terrible, never paid attention in language classes till high school and uni.

I teach English.