Domande di Internet

What’s the most annoying personality trait someone can have?

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Questa volta abbiamo cercato: What’s the most annoying personality trait someone can have?
What’s the most annoying personality trait someone can have?

Ed ecco le risposte:

I forgot about the people that try to 1 up you

People who act upon their insecurities by belittling other people and putting them down. I just wish people would understand that something good happening to someone else does not take anything away from them (99% of the time).

Self victimisation

The one where they act like they know everything. Even though when questioned you can tell they are lying

This kid on my class slid me the URL to pornhub written on a piece of paper. Then later dropped another note on my desk. It was one of those typical do you like me notes with a yes and no box. Except this one said “toe pics? Yes? No?”. He and his friends had a good laugh at that one. I was a loner and didn’t know this kid at all and I wasn’t amused. So whatever personality trait that waffle iron and his friends have.