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What’s the most annoying personality trait someone can have?

A total know it all, and I’m not talking about the smart kid that actually knows I’m taking about that one kid that thinks his knowledge is good for the future of humanity but is infact the stupidest person in the room, but proceeds to argue for the sake of arguing

people who are over-motivated to work and expect that from everyone…

People who never listen to you and think they know everything

People who act stupid on purpose for whatever reason. Because being stupid is cool? Idk. Also people who knowingly remain ignorant about things because they aren’t bothered to learn about it.

Not sure if you mean traits that are known/common, in which case “when people say sorry when they are obviously not at fault, just to make themselves seem more mature”.
Or traits that potentially exist and would likely be the most annoying, in which case I would say “Spontaneous high pitched screaming accompanied by uncontrollable backflips”.