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[Serious] What occupation could an unskilled uneducated person take up in order to provide a good comfortable living for their family?

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[Serious] What occupation could an unskilled uneducated person take up in order to provide a good comfortable living for their family?

Ed ecco le risposte:

HVAC is a good one. Lot of demand for help there. You start folding metal ducts then learn furnace installation and repair on the job. Good money to start and very good money after 10 years.

Look into sewers (not literally). If your local municipality (or some contractors) are hiring then sewer inspection tends to have low entry requirements and a decent starting salary for the work involved (I’ve seen roundabouts $15/hr to start).

Yeah, it’s stinky and it’s hardly prestigious, but it’s undeniably useful and honest work. Also, sewer guys tend to be really chill.

Does anyone have any suggestions for small women?

Everything suggested are trades and manual labour, and while women can do those jobs, they are often looked over in the hiring process.

I’m 5’3 and 110lbs. I get looked at and am automatically assumed to be not strong enough to do the job. I could go to a trade school, but that kind of defeats the “unskilled, uneducated” part of the question.

(And please suggest anything except babysitting)

Truck driver

Trades or military. Either way you won’t be unskilled for long.