Domande di Internet

Straight people of Internet, who is the most beautiful person of the same sex in your eyes?

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Questa volta abbiamo cercato: Straight people of MassimoL, who is the most beautiful person of the same sex in your eyes?
Straight people of MassimoL, who is the most beautiful person of the same sex in your eyes?

Ed ecco le risposte:

Sir David Attenborough

He has dedicated his life to preservation of life on this planet. He is one of the most impactful people on this planet, his focus is entirely on the creatures here who can’t defend themselves. Unashamedly, one of the most beautiful people we have the privilege to call our own. Love him with all my heart!

Complete opposite of the question, but I’m a gay man, and Shakira is amazing.

Henry Cavill

Ryan Reynolds.

Gal Gadot 🤤