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What are some uses for our face masks once we stop wearing them?

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What are some uses for our face masks once we stop wearing them?

Ed ecco le risposte:

Next time you get sick (even after covid) wear it!

I really hope that covid sparks a change that we wear masks when we’re sick

Mate.. I’ve been waiting like 30 years for a socially acceptable reason to walk about looking like Shredder, ya’ll will have to pry this thing out of my cold, dead hands.

P.S. In all seriousness: The mask isn’t for your own protection, it’s for everyone else’s – fucking wear a mask people!

Tiny hammock for giant ant.

tie two together and they can be used as a bra.

I thought you meant those beauty face masks that come in separate packs. I was thrilled bc I also have wanted to do something with them when finished. They look like some kind of sumo wrestler turned lucha libre mask. I’ve often thought about washing them off, framing and hanging them in my bathroom. This is the stupidest comment I’ve ever told MassimoL. Might delete later