Domande di Internet

What are you convinced people are pretending to enjoy?

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Questa volta abbiamo cercato: What are you convinced people are pretending to enjoy?
What are you convinced people are pretending to enjoy?

Ed ecco le risposte:


Your boss’s jokes.

Vegas Nightclubs. Can barely hear the people you’re talking to, might end up waiting for hours to get in, constantly having to squeeze through crowds or get shoved by people squeezing by you, spend $20+ minimum a drink and might end up spending thousands overall. Who ENJOYS spending $1k on a $50-retail bottle of vodka?

Work retreats, gatherings and ice breakers.

Fuckin shoot me when I have to do this shit and too many colleagues guffaw like jackals.

Baby showers/reveal parties

Those photo shoots of couples getting engaged where the one being proposed to acts surprised.

Working 8-5 everyday for 40+ years.

Live action remakes

A lot of the “fashion” these days. I’m convinced at this point designers are messing with the rich to see how ridiculous they can make them look.
A twist on the old tale “The Emperors New Clothes”

Corporate culture and workaholism.

The same askreddit posts from last week

Being pregnant

That fucking masked singer show. how. Just how.

Playing tag with a four year old. You have to let them win all the time to not make them cry you have to run really slow and you have to look like you’re enjoying it.

Having a job

podcasts where the hosts constantly laugh at themselves, the other hosts, and the guests. Dude, nothing is that amusing for so long.

dull, protracted videos of their friends’ children.

Social gatherings hosted by your workplace. Connecting with others should happen organically, not in some environment where you feel forced into it.

church services lasting three hours. On the mound, Jesus preached for about five minutes. Pastor, get over your ego!