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What can a stranger do in public that will immediately make you judge them?

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Questa volta abbiamo cercato: What can a stranger do in public that will immediately make you judge them?
What can a stranger do in public that will immediately make you judge them?

Ed ecco le risposte:

Throw trash on the ground

Scream at their partner

Drop litter. Not pick up their dog’s shit.

If they pickup litter I think they’re a good person.

Watch a video on full blast, without headphones where it is very clearly inappropriate.

Or scream at their kids, in front of a bunch of strangers. I think it’s absolutely humiliating for a child and it is very telling of how they are to the child all the time.

Defecate in the middle of the street

Take out their phone to film while someone is in a bad situation, instead of trying to help / call for help

Mouth open no cover sneeze

Their cellphone etiquette. bad or good, I will watch and judge accordingly.

Not washing their hands after using the bathroom

Being cruel to their pets

Get in peoples’ way to film a TikTok

speaker phone call

Be loud
Be rude to wait staff
Let their kids run amok

Start yelling. At kids, wife, husband, dog, cat, cop. Don’t matter. Yelling in public, it sets the wrong impression from the start.

Many years ago I was in a department store and there was this guy and wife or girlfriend and they had a kid with them. I’m assuming the kid was his mother’s son and the guy was his stepdad. It was probably near back to school time because I guess they were going to be buying his school supplies.

In any case I overheard the stepdad several times over yelling at the kid, kept telling him to put stuff back, saying something like his mom’s child support checks have to buy his beer and cigarettes first, they didn’t have any money left over for everything the kid wanted.

That was the height of trashiness, I wish I was closer to get a look and get an idea who he was so I could have turned him in. It made me sick for the kid in that his stepdad was making him go without to fund his own wants, with especially what was supposed to be his money

How they treat people in customer service, like store clerks or waiters.

Chill man, he’s going to refill your drinks. Give him a second.

Hit their kid.

Using their phone speaker loudly for music or conversation = asshole. Also, I automatically assume that anyone who has the sparkly gem covers on their steering wheel is a moron.

Let their children run freely in a crowded parking lot. I am probably one of the most non-judgmental people you will ever meet, but if my brakes get tested because you are not paying attention and your kid runs in front of my car, my inner Karen will come out. You have been warned.