Domande di Internet

What didn’t you learn in sex ed that should have been taught?

You guys had sex ed?

If I masturbate too much, then I won’t be able to climax from receiving oral ?

So sooo many things. Female masturbation is a thing, not just male. They talked a lot to the boys about how ot’s “normal for young boys to do that” but why would you mention that to girls, right? Also anything about communication. Screw that. They talked about consent a bunch, sure. But the amount of people that don’t realise you should actually TALK about that stuff beyong “You wanna?” is astounding. Sex toys were completely left out. Contraception isn’t limited to condoms and “the pill” but why make things complicated.
They completely ignored kinks and fantasies and different tastes as well. I get why but damn so many people would have benefitted from having someone explain that shit.

Didn’t have sex ed sadly. But I did learn about sex at 10 thanks to a small part played, where my female cousins were searching up naked men. So I decided to look up naked women, and bam it all spiralled from there.
