Domande di Internet

What do you think is the reason for why lame questions blow up on here, while really good ones don’t?

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Questa volta abbiamo cercato: What do you think is the reason for why lame questions blow up on here, while really good ones don’t?
What do you think is the reason for why lame questions blow up on here, while really good ones don’t?

Ed ecco le risposte:

It would be so great if this one blew up lol

I would imagine they are the ones that are appealing to the broadest section of the user base. Not everyone understands or wants to ‘Why do so many people not vote’ but everyone’s invested in ‘Why do so many people pick their nose and eat it!’

Some questions are easier to answer than others, especially if it’s a question that people have been asked before

People are idiots.

Timing and luck.