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What insult was so mean that it permanently damaged your self-esteem?

When I told my father I wanted to come home to the family property and work on it and he said that was not going to happen. He said that he had 2 useful sons to run the property why would he want a useless daughter to be involved.

The irony is that my brothers were given the family farm and lost it, I was given nothing and now have my own farm

“You’re disgusting, no one will ever love you and you will die alone”

– Love, mom

Your tits are so big that ex name left you cuz she felt lesbian

“You’re poor ewww.” And “Why is your lunch so smelly.. DOG EATER.” Yeah, I grew up not super wealthy like other kids being first generation with immigrant parents. It really hurt. I hated eating the lunches my mom made while other kids ate lunchables and pre-packaged foods or bought food from the cafeteria.

Looking back I shouldn’t have been ashamed given my mom was making really nice bentos. So I’d forego eating lunch almost every day. I’d eat maybe a small bag of chips since that was cheap to get.

To this day I don’t really eat lunch :(.

Pretty much my whole family (aside of my mother) really hated me from a young age. One of my uncles has 2 kids older than me and my aunt also 2 kids (one younger, one same age). They all had problems with their kids. Either drugs, violence or some other shit.

Two years before I graduated from school my uncle bitched about that I will also learn soon where my place is. I never did bad in school but his kids had to repeat classes multiple time. I graduated eventually before one of his sons even tho he was 3 years older. From that day onwards he was either ignoring me or spitting really nasty insults in my direction when nobody else listened.

When both of my grandparents got sick with cancer, I decided to move to in their house and care for them before and after my work. (I grew up with my grandparents until I was 15 because my mother was a single mom and worked in shifts. So it felt like the right thing to do.) But my uncle didn’t have any of it. Even tho he lived basically next to them, he never even visited them. Only if he needed something.

One day he drove by the house when I was outside mowing. He stopped, got out of his car right into my face and told me then and there that he will kill me and my mother if I even think about stealing his heritage from my grandparents. And also that I’m worthless and I should “watch my back” from now on.

I endured years of insults from him and later my aunt as well, because I was the one with a good paying job and I somehow also managed to look after my grandparents. While their kids were basically doing nothing. After my grandmother died in 2011 I completely broke down what they ofc used to their advantage. I had multiple breakdowns during that time and developed depression. I couldn’t work for months because of them.

I still feel really insecure and had to rebuild my self esteem from ground up over the years. But sometimes the self-doubt comes through again and I really need to try not breaking down again. And thats after I moved to a different country and didn’t see them for 6 years now.

Before my grandfather died in 2018, I visited him in the hospital. This was the first time that he told me that he knew exactly what my uncle and aunt did to me, but he realized it way too late. Me and my mother inherited everything from him. The house, his land and a big chunk of money. The rest only got the minimum.