Domande di Internet

What insult was so mean that it permanently damaged your self-esteem?

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Questa volta abbiamo cercato: What insult was so mean that it permanently damaged your self-esteem?
What insult was so mean that it permanently damaged your self-esteem?

Ed ecco le risposte:

I’ll start:

When I was younger an older “friend” that I used to look up to back then told me while we’re having fun in a group: “If could see yourself laugh, you would probably never laugh again.”

I’m still self conscious about my laugh 10 years later.

“It’s your fault your mother’s in hospital!”

She had tried to kill herself.

I was 6.

Thanks, Dad.

My 2nd grade teacher the day after I came back to school from being sick “the class was better without you in it”

I had an awful step mother, her and my dad locked me in my room aside from school with nothing but a sleeping bag for 2 years. Changed the doorknob on my door so it locked on the outside.
She would bring me my dinner, set it on the floor and say “here doggy doggy”.
It ruined me in every way.

A girl from my class looked at me and said ‘you’re really ugly’