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what is a good show that got canceled for no good reason?

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Questa volta abbiamo cercato: what is a good show that got canceled for no good reason?
what is a good show that got canceled for no good reason?

Ed ecco le risposte:

Basically any Netflix series that people want to keep watching

I Am Not Okay With This.

Also: Almost Human

Gotta say Mindhunter. Really seemed like one of the only shows that Netflix actually dragged their feet on cancelling, seeming to hope Fincher would return to it

Deadwood on HBO, years ago.

Better off Ted

Dead Like Me.

Rome HBO cancelled it because they considered it too expensive.

King of the Hill

It was cancelled not because of low ratings or controversy, but because Fox wanted to make room for the new and upcoming comedy…The Cleveland Show (that’s not a joke by the way, that’s actually the reason KotH was cancelled).

Dark Matter. It was cancelled right as it was becoming interesting.

Pushing Daisies.

It was cancelled due to the writers’ strike, which was not a good reason to cancel it.

The Expanse

The last 3 books are the best of the series and include a satisfying ending. There is a time jump of 30 years in the books but really for the show they could have made it like 5 for the sake of the cast. Not seeing the TV show be fully finished is heartbreaking.

Freaks and Geeks


The Venture Bros

I don’t even understand why Arrested Development was cancelled, it was one of the greatest comedies ever. Then they brought it back many years later and almost ruined it’s legacy.


Maybe that scene where the hung the Blackwater dude cut a little to close to home.

Archive 81

Inside Job. I honestly can’t fathom why it got cancelled, that was one of the funniest new cartoons of the last decade.

Centaurworld also for exactly the same reasons, and cancelled by the same people.

Recently watched The Owl House and it had a good, but rushed ending because Disney cancelled it randomly.