Domande di Internet

What is something you trusted someone enough to share with them, that was later used against you?

Bentornati ad un’altra favoloso edizione delle domande di cultura generale!

Questa volta abbiamo cercato una domanda rivolta alle donne.What is something you trusted someone enough to share with them, that was later used against you?

Ed ecco le risposte del genere femminile:

Many years ago I plucked up the courage to share with my then bf about SA that happened in childhood, he was the first person I’d told.

When we broke up he said that it was the reason that I was “so messed up” and that would never understand or experience real love because of it.

Even though I didn’t hide this information, it was still really new. My then girlfriend was there when my father killed himself and I thought she was a great support (we had other issues but I was in high school so I let a lot of shit slide).

When we broke up due to trust issues, she threw that back in my face saying “No wonder he killed himself, I’d off myself too if you were my daughter.”

I know she was just doing it to be mean but damn, that cut deep.

After escaping a domestic abuse relationship I fled to a new town and applied for aid.

I had it all set and was on track and getting it set up to direct deposit, getting all my information situated and stuff.

While talking to a social worker I mentioned how when they came to arrest my husband they gave me his wallet so he could not bail himself out of jail that night, giving me time to pack up my self and my kids and leave. I said that that $300 saved my life.

Well, she reported that money to the welfare office and they asked why I did not report it, and that money counted as income so my first check would only be a few dollars.

That was a lesson learned, never freely give out more information than what is asked. …Ever!

I told my friend I felt horribly insecure and anxious over my deep voice. She later made an impression of my voice as a joke to try to put me down/”impress” a guy that I was talking to. :)))

my rape and sa experiences. a lot of people have shown their true faces later on.

A classic: I told a friend I had a crush on a guy who was way out of my league at school. She told her brother who was friends with the dude. Cue me hiding in shame for the rest of the school year.

People knew I had a fling with someone in an open relationship, it’s been thrown in my face multiple times that I was some kind of home wrecker by 2 previous exes.

Ex constantly telling me to open up and lean on him for support. Then when we break up he tells me that I’m exhausting to be with because of the things I told him about.

Yeah, since my late twenties I kinda operate on a “need to know” basis when dealing with personal issues. If I’m not going to be asking for your help with my problem, then I am not sharing my problem with you. Spouse lost his middle management corporate job? Are you a hiring manager in his field? No. Then I am not sharing the news with you(friend/co-worker/cousin). Banks reposessing our properties? Are you the bank CEO or owner? No. Then I am not sharing the problem with you. People would eventually find out about the problem(s), but by then I would have already dealt with the traumatic phase of the crisis on my own and I am no longer as vulnerable and I can just tell them ” yeah, that happened”.

I told a very close friend about one of my embarrassing kinks. I found out later she had told her FWB. They stopped hooking up and he was trying to get with me. I told him I wasn’t going to hook up with him and he threatened to expose my kink.

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