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What is the worst possible time to say, “I’m Batman”?

“Sir you are under arrest for the murder of three people-“

“I’m Batman”

“Okay but you did murder three people so you are-“

“I’m Batman”



“I’m Batman”

When you had hot sex with your gf.. and straight after run out of the bedroom yelling “IM BATMAN”

fully naked sprinting to the bathroom

“we have an arrest warrant for Batman, where is he?”

At an AA meeting.

CB: “Am I going to walk around and rip your fucking lights down, in the middle of a scene? Then why the fuck are you walking right through? Ah-da-da-dah, like this in the background. What the fuck is it with you? What don’t you fucking understand? You got any fucking idea about, hey, it’s fucking distracting having somebody walking up behind Bryce in the middle of the fucking scene? Give me a fucking answer! What don’t you get about it?”

SH: “I was lookinng at the light.”

CB: “Ohhhhh, goooood for you. And how was it? I hope it was fucking good, because it’s useless now, isn’t it? Fuck’s sake man, you’re amateur. McG, you got fucking something to say to this prick?”

MCG: “I didn’t see it happen.”

CB: “Well, somebody should be fucking watching and keeping an eye on him… It’s the second time that he doesn’t give a fuck about what is going on in front of the camera, all right? I’m trying to fucking do a scene here, and I am going: why the fuck is Shane walking in there? What is he doing there? Do you understand my mind is not in the scene if you’re doing that? … Stay off the fucking set man. For fuck’a sake. Alright, let’s go again… Let’s not take a fucking minute, let’s go again…. I’m going to fucking kick your fucking ass if you don’t shut up for a second! All right? … I’m going to go… Do you want me to fucking go trash your lights? Do you want me to fucking trash ‘em? Then why are you trashing my scene?

awkward silence. Then…

SH: (camply) “I’m Batman.”