Domande di Internet

Restaurant servers of Internet, what is something all customers should know or do and currently dont?

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Questa volta abbiamo cercato: Restaurant servers of MassimoL, what is something all customers should know or do and currently dont?
Restaurant servers of MassimoL, what is something all customers should know or do and currently dont?

Ed ecco le risposte:

If your server is holding a tray of drinks (or dishes of food, if it’s that kind of place) in their hand while serving the table, don’t take anything off the tray because the server likely won’t be able to adjust for the weight-shift differential in time and what’s remaining on that tray will likely go a-flyin’.

Had a table of 6 once where I was serving their drink order while holding the tray in my hand, and the guy at the far end of the table apparently couldn’t wait an additional 6 seconds to get his shitty $2 pint of Bud Light draft, and grabbed it while I was passing out the first pints, and the 3 remaining drinks went tumbling all over me and their table.

Not everyone does this but dont snap at us to get our attention we arnt dogs.

Don’t let your kids run around like fucking rabid animals.

I worked in a ton of restaurants and even the high-end ones would have negligent parents letting their kids run around while I’d be carrying a bunch of hot entrees.

We are WAY more likely to give you free stuff, make more food, or bring out extras if you KINDLY ASK. I know, should be common sense, but sadly it isn’t. And for goodness sake, if you’re in the US tip your servers and delivery drivers! It’s the vast majority of their income.

Additionally, if the food isn’t good, speak up (kindly!)! Please don’t sit there and not enjoy it then take it out of the servers tip. It’s likely not at all their fault and they’d much rather make it right for you than get tipped less.

just be polite for fucks sake