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What random thing were you paranoid about as a child?

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What random thing were you paranoid about as a child?

Ed ecco le risposte:

When I was young I was never sure if other people were real and I was paranoid over other people’s ability to read my thoughts. Took many years until I was satisfied that they couldn’t hear what was going on inside my head.

That goddamned vent thing at the bottom of the swimming pool.

I used to believe that girls had tiny drones to spy on the boys they liked and I was so paranoid about it. This is the first time I’m telling anyone

Cars following our car. Genuinely used to memorise number plates then turn around 5 mins later and check if any of those number plates were still behind us. I’m talking like 3/4 cars back because “they may not want to make it obvious and be directly behind us”

we’re literally no one special so idk why anyone would even want to follow us

My grandma told me dragonflies would sew my mouth shut so…yeah, dragonflies