Domande di Internet

What single event in history do you think changed the world the most?

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Questa volta abbiamo cercato: What single event in history do you think changed the world the most?
What single event in history do you think changed the world the most?

Ed ecco le risposte:

Invention of the Printing Press. It allowed the proliferation and spread of ideas at an exponentially higher rate and it allowed books to become something the masses could afford. The Enlightenment and by extension the modern world never could have happened without it. It represented as big of an information revolution as the Internet does today.

I think when some motherfucker decided, hey why dont we just take these plants we’re foraging for and plant them near our huts. That way we can just walk outside and get food rather than walk around looking for it.

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The Black Plague, killed a massive amount of Europeans changing the course of human history in culture, religion, medicine etc. Hard to say if all those people survived, what family lines would have stayed and produced world changing offspring.

Another planet hitting the Earth when it was forming. Without that, the Earth wouldn’t have enough mass to maintain a dense enough atmosphere to support complex life (like Mars) and there would also be no Moon.