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What was a moment you said to yourself: “Damn, I actually AM stupid” ?

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Questa volta abbiamo cercato: What was a moment you said to yourself: “Damn, I actually AM stupid” ?
What was a moment you said to yourself: “Damn, I actually AM stupid” ?

Ed ecco le risposte:

Went to the store to buy coffee.

Got home with pasta, lettuce and milk.

I forgot the coffee.

My bf was weighing our suitcases the night before a flight. He did the classic, step on the scale and then step on the scale with the suitcase and do the math technique. One of the bags was a couple of kg over the limit so I reassured him that by morning he will have lost a bit of weight which might help get back under the limit. Didn’t think that one through.

I once talked to my gf about the impressive records of Cristiano Ronaldo as a football player; literally in her next sentence she asked: how old is Ronaldo?

To which I stupidly replied: who’s Ron Aldo?

In my kitchen I have one cabinet for bowls and plates and another one for cups. This hasn’t changed since moving into the house four years ago.

About 75% of the time, I open the wrong cabinet to get what I need. Even when I try really hard to focus on opening the right cabinet, I still regularly get it wrong.

That was the final straw that validated my stupidity.

I spent a good 45 seconds trying to open a can of beans with a can opener and couldnt for the life of me figure out what I was doing wrong. I remember thinking it had been awhile since I’d opened a can but really?

Then I took a good, hard look at what I was doing and realized I was trying to open an can with a potato peeler.