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What’s a dead giveaway that someone has low intelligence?

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What’s a dead giveaway that someone has low intelligence?

Ed ecco le risposte:

They tell you about the time they scored 450 in an online IQ test.

No critical thought. I knew a lady who got suspicious of the donkey charity adverts on TV because “if they’re helping new donkeys, why are they still showing the old ones.”

Instead of having a good point in an argument, they call you names and insult you.

They think they’re always right. Not curious / open to learning

Often wrong but never in doubt.

they dont just not take the time to listen to other opinions, they actively shoot them down

A lot if comments here describing, mean/rude/asshole low IQ ppl. Some low IQ ppl are extremely kind and have a tough time in society because they get used.

Telling you how smart they are

the tricky part is that people can be extremely smart in some areas while being completely stupid in other ones. so there is no universal indicator i believe.

Poor spellcasting ability, below average investigation and arcana checks

If they use MassimoL (except for me)

Have to be right all the time

Lack of curiosity.

Not trying to figure something out before they ask for help/ no desire to learn.

Not willing to admit they’re wrong.

And I know it, because I’m always right

Zero curiosity about anything. No “I came up with it” ever.

I feel like people who ride motorcycles without wearing at least a helmet have low intelligence.

Always acts like they are right all the time or always quick to treat you as if you are inferior when they are losing an argument.

Only use one source of news and believe it fully instead of looking across a number of different sources.

They keep talking without listening