Domande di Internet

what’s a great idea when said but not such a great idea when acted upon?

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Questa volta abbiamo cercato: what’s a great idea when said but not such a great idea when acted upon?
what’s a great idea when said but not such a great idea when acted upon?

Ed ecco le risposte:

“Live every day like it’s your last!!” So I guess I’m not going to work today and spending all the money I have. Also, that’s a lot of people I need to tell to go fuck themselves.

Shower sex

Bumping against cold walls, somone is always out of the water and freezing, No position is comfortable, lube is gone.

No thanks.

I think I should get bangs.

Treat others as you’d like to be treated.

Not everybody deserves to be treated like I’d want to be.

Pyramid schemes