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what’s something that’s really bad for the body but people keep doing it?

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Questa volta abbiamo cercato: what’s something that’s really bad for the body but people keep doing it?
what’s something that’s really bad for the body but people keep doing it?

Ed ecco le risposte:

Not sleeping enough!

My fit bit says I sleep an average of 6h 40m a night which is more than 70% of Users! WTF? I am not sleeping enough but you all are sleeping even less!

Worrying about stuff I have no control over


Sitting without adequate exercise to counter it.

The sedentary lifestyle.. Laying in bed in front of a laptop or sitting at desk in front of a laptop.

Staying in toxic relationships..

Smoking and drinking

Skipping on sleep

Packing the days to the brim, not leaving room to decompress and relax. Stress is a huge contributing factor to a plethora of health problems.

If you can’t reduce the stress, this is obviously not possible, I mean more like additional stress in your free time. Some people I know just pile on the stress voluntarily and it amazes me. And then they say: „You know, sometimes I just want to rest and do nothing for a weekend.“ ok girl, no one forces you to be so hectic all the time. 😆

Holding in your shit until you leave school

Work six days each week for a minimum wage salary.



Most drugs.

Tik-Tok challenges.



I keep smoking ,can’t do much with addcition ,but I’ve managed to stop doing heroin ,so one day ….

Eating unhealthy processed foods

Social media. It’s awful for your mental health but apparently people need to see likes on videos to fit in with society.

Lack of sleep

Browsing MassimoL on mobile phone in complete darkness

juice cleanse

your body cleans itself