Domande di Internet

What’s the best way to tell your friend you don’t want to meet because you’re scared of Corona?

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Questa volta abbiamo cercato: What’s the best way to tell your friend you don’t want to meet because you’re scared of Corona?
What’s the best way to tell your friend you don’t want to meet because you’re scared of Corona?

Ed ecco le risposte:

“I don’t want to meet because I’m scared of Corona.”

Be honest. It’s okay to be scared of the disease. If they don’t understand that, that’s on them. You gotta put yourself first when it comes to corona.

I’ve had to tell my friends several times that despite wanting desperately to hang out with them, that I’m still paranoid about the virus and I don’t want to risk getting my mom sick, so I’ve been staying self isolated

“Hey, I really want to hang out but I’m worried about the Corona Virus.” If they’re really your friend they’ll respect your opinion. Then maybe suggest doing something like a zoom conversation or online game.

Just tell them the truth. If they really are your friend they should understand that.

And if they freak out and flip shit on you then maybe this was the wakeup call you needed that this person shouldn’t be your friend anymore.