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What’s the deepest Wikipedia hole you’ve fallen into?

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What’s the deepest Wikipedia hole you’ve fallen into?

Ed ecco le risposte:

look up unsolved problems in physics, you’ll be stuck for hours.

Dyatlov pass incident. Very interesting read and makes you think

The stories behind people who have simply disappeared

Hey Arnold.

I wanted to know if Helga ever confessed her love for Arnold. Turns out the writers created a spin off for Helga! Apparently the show was too dark for Nickelodeon (the show dove into her family dynamics…her mom is an alcoholic and her dad is emotionally abusive) so it went to MTV instead. Not sure if it ever made it to air.

Anyway, Helga and Arnold ended up dating for a while! Helga eventually moved (that’s where the new show picked up) but they continued a loving friendship mostly as pen pals.

I used to like to go to a random article and then click the first link within the new article, then repeat that process to see how many links it takes to get to the “Philosophy” article. Most articles get there and once there you’re in a loop.