Domande di Internet

What’s the most high risk, low reward thing you’ve ever done?

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Questa volta abbiamo cercato: What’s the most high risk, low reward thing you’ve ever done?
What’s the most high risk, low reward thing you’ve ever done?

Ed ecco le risposte:

I stole every wheel off the chairs in my high school’s computer lab as a joke during a 20-minute break. I still have one of them. Probably could’ve gotten expelled just for a slightly funny joke and a useless chair wheel.

I moved across the country (California to Massachusetts) because I saw my high school crush on a dating site.

Turns out she won’t date bald men under any circumstances.

Taking a year in a program I wasn’t interested in to try and get a girl, who turned me down instantly.

Went to college

I once climbed an old truss bridge to get some neat pictures of myself, i climbed under it and sat on the beams beneath the bridge, i climbed the the very top, i hung off the edge of the bridge above several rocks. Once i got done and showed the pictures to my friends and they said they sucked.