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Whats the worst response to “I cheated on you” ?

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Questa volta abbiamo cercato: Whats the worst response to “I cheated on you” ?
Whats the worst response to “I cheated on you” ?

Ed ecco le risposte:

No, you didn’t. They paid me.

I thought we were in a open relationship, was I not supposed to be seeing other people?

Was it before or after 4th of July weekend? Because we’ve all had a betting pool running, and if you didn’t make it to the 4th, I’ve got a small fortune to go collect.

“you cheated on me… when I specifically asked you not to?”

I don’t care.

Then you better call your partner cause I caught a STD.

Yeah made some good money off of it.

“Finally!, I was feeling so guilty all the time!”

So that is where the HIV came from…

Guess we’re even

Oh. I was about to tell you something. I have (choose from) HIV/syphilis/gonorrhoea/hepatitis and I haven’t been with anyone else but you.

If you are the cheating party the worst response from the partner is silence. No anger, no yelling, no crying just silence.

I know but it’s OK they all paid in full have you seen my new motorbike

“and also with you.”

“So they too know the disappointment I have had every time we’ve been in bed”

I know, I had a bet to see how long you’d take to tell me

“That explains how I got the herpes.”

Then walk away. They will freak the fuck out and have to go get a test of shame.

I forgive you.

That poor soul

You’re just a guy who DMs me on MassimoL. We weren’t in a relationship.