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Where where you, socially/mentally/emotionally/physically at 25 years old?

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Questa volta abbiamo cercato una domanda rivolta alle donne.Where where you, socially/mentally/emotionally/physically at 25 years old?

Ed ecco le risposte del genere femminile:

im 25 and struggling, personally. Going back to school, not dating, figuring myself and life out. Actively in therapy and trying to heal my traumas

I was at my lowest. I was a stay at home to a 5yr old and 6yr old. I had no earning potential, i was obese, and i was in an abusive marriage to a man who had no respect for me (who i later found out was living a double life: lying, cheating, drugs, and even alcohol while I honestly thought he was sober). I went back to school that year.

I’ve since become an RN with certification in my specialty, and just started graduate school. Oh ya, the best part is that I’m now divorced with full custody of my kids and enough income for us to live comfortably without the assistance of anyone else.

Literally hospitalized, suicidal, psychotic depression, alcoholic, on probation, in-and-out of abusive relationships. Lol You’d never guess if you met me now. Everything can change. <3

Currently 25 and working three jobs so I can pay for a house. Mentally I’m doing better but incredibly lonely and dating is rough

I had just moved back in with my mom, was three days clean from drugs and alcohol, and absolutely in the worst place I had ever been emotionally and spiritually.

I remember telling my mom that my 25th birthday was the worst, and she told me she was married, divorced, and had two kids under 5 when she turned 25. That made me feel better.

It was just last year for me but I FINALLY hit my stride. I stopped taking shit from men, took ownership of my career, got way more physically fit consistently, learned to be happy being alone, and made some of my life long friends.

I also suffered a lot financially, went hungry for 3 days and was too embarrassed to ask for help, got rejected, had negative sexual experiences, and got into some of the worst fights with my sibling.

Working retail, dating a lot, spending time with friends, falling off of barstools. It was a great time.

Was depressed and stuck in a dead end admin job, just about to head to grad school. I had no friends, no romantic connections, and was at least pretty psychically fit because I had nothing better to do lmao.

I’m still a bit depressed(love that genetic low serotonin and dopamine lol) but life is lovely and getting much better! Just moved to a major city with a fantastic job I love at 29. Life just takes time sometimes lol

Working on my Ph.D., had a full scholarship. Dating someone who ultimately was a jerk. Working out like crazy (which has continued x25 + more years) and pretty fit. NC with my abusive mother x about 2 years at that point and feeling happy with the decision. Ricing my bike a lot and mostly socializing with other cyclists rather than grad school folks.

I was a hot mess. I was going to nursing school. I was a single mom, I had a three year old daughter and a pretty serious drinking problem. I would stay out all night partying, sleep two hours, get my daughter up and off to day care, and go to school with my clothes inside out and my hair unbrushed. Somehow still getting straight A’s though! So how could it be a problem, amiright?

I met a great guy (it’s a numbers game, kiss enough frogs and ones bound to be a prince AMIRIGHT???) and when we got serious I got my shit together because he wouldn’t stand for my ridiculousness.

It’s twenty six years later and we’re still married.

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