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Why does our speech slur and stumble over words when we’re tired? Is it the same underlying cause as slurring/stumbling when drunk, anxious, or from a headache, or are they different mechanisms?

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143 utenti della rete avevano questa curiosità: Spiegami: Why does our speech slur and stumble over words when we’re tired? Is it the same underlying cause as slurring/stumbling when drunk, anxious, or from a headache, or are they different mechanisms?
Spiegami: Why does our speech slur and stumble over words when we’re tired? Is it the same underlying cause as slurring/stumbling when drunk, anxious, or from a headache, or are they different mechanisms?

Ed ecco le risposte:

As you get tired more and more energy is spent trying to just stay awake and this effort takes away from other actions. It is deceptively severe too.

I’m not positive but i think it’s linked to a lack of concentration. Focusing on something takes mental energy and when we’re tied, we just don’t have the energy to concentrate on our speech. There might be an element of impairment of brain function but I’m no expert on that. When you are drunk, the alcohol actually impairs fine motor skills and at higher levels of intoxication even gross motor skills because it affects those parts of the brain that control your movement. It actually makes those parts of the brain not work properly.

In a normal working system, our brain sends signals to our muscles. The tongue is a muscle that has to go through a range of motions and positions to articulate speech. An impairment on the system, such as being tired or drunk, etc. impedes the signal going to the tongue. Another possible reason for slurred or stumbled words could be indicative of a neurological issue or a misfire of that signal to the tongue.