Domande di Internet

Why is it that when a sponge is purchased, it is still soft but once it has absorbed water and then has dried, it is harder and drier than it was when you bought it?

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53 utenti della rete avevano questa curiosità: Spiegami: Why is it that when a sponge is purchased, it is still soft but once it has absorbed water and then has dried, it is harder and drier than it was when you bought it?
Spiegami: Why is it that when a sponge is purchased, it is still soft but once it has absorbed water and then has dried, it is harder and drier than it was when you bought it?

Ed ecco le risposte:

It’s a marketing trick to make the product look better while it’s on the shelf at the store. Sponges are packaged in airtight bags while still moist. They could sell them dried up and they would be exactly the same thing.


I’m not speaking for fact but I would think it has something to do with the minerals leftover that build up each time it gets wet and dries.