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You have the ability to do absolutely nothing for extremely long period of time. What is a way you can make Money out of it ?

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Questa volta abbiamo cercato: You have the ability to do absolutely nothing for extremely long period of time. What is a way you can make Money out of it ?
You have the ability to do absolutely nothing for extremely long period of time. What is a way you can make Money out of it ?

Ed ecco le risposte:

Be an art class model

There was a guy in my small town that started protesting a shitty car/RV dealership that ripped him off. He is a local legend. He just stood on the street corner with a sign, day in and day out, warning people not to do business there. He was polite. He didn’t yell or block anything. He just stood on a curb with a sign that vaguely claimed that the car dealership was scummy (Staying away from specifics is apparently helpful to avoid accusations of libel). Later, he added a counter for how many days he had been protesting. He wore nice clothes and his hair was combed and face clean-shaven. He wore glasses. He had a cooler with drinks and food and would sometimes sit on it, eat a sandwich, and watch the traffic go by. His sign was well-written. His pants were ironed. He looked like an ordinary, respectable, good person who just had been ripped off and decided to fight it on principle – something everyone could relate to.

Salesmen at the dealership would go harass him. They’d call the cops, but he was within his rights. Then, one day, a shitty new salesmen tried to push him around. Apparently some customers walked away from a sale and this guy thought it was because of the one-man protest. He probably was right. I know that I would rethink buying a car if I noticed a dude with a sign outside that indicated he had been ripped off so badly that he decided to protest about it every day, all day long, for months.

Then that salesman slapped him, knocked him to the ground, threw his sign in the street, and kicked him. And it was all caught on video from multiple angles, because the protestor had cameras running. The protestor sued. They settled (I think it was around $250,000).

Then he went right back to protesting, only now across the street for some reason. That dealership is out of business now (Not so much due to him, but the 2008 recession).

So you could go do that, I guess.

Win money in one of these AskReddit threads that appear once a week where you get paid 4 million dollars for staying a month in a room with no human contact and no entertainment.

I’d open a business for birds that need someone else to sit on their eggs. Easy money

Compound interest.