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Your nationality gives you game-like stats. What would your nationality buffs and debuffs be?

Cooking +10
Fashion +10

Humbleness -10
Foreign languages -10


Scottish. We’re basically the Barbarian class with added intelligence.

American: Quick to Anger, Basic Firearms Training, 1000% increased Healing costs, less effective heals, can use (misplaced) Bravery or Stubbornness in place of Intelligence checks.

I’m Scottish so probably my buff would be an alcoholic at age 3 and be able to eat deep fried mars bar and my debuff would be stupid stereotypes


Grants new ability, “Fika”, everyone in your party and the monsters you are fighting take a break. Restore 1 + D6 hp to everyone.

Social awkwardness +2
Resistant to cold +2
Travels faster in cold weather.

-4 on initiating fight.
If the fight takes longer than D20, you join the enemy.
Can be decursed.