Domande di Internet

You’ve just been declared the President of the newly formed Republic of Internet. What is the first thing you say to the nation?

Bentornati ad un’altra favoloso edizione delle domande di cultura generale!

Questa volta abbiamo cercato: You’ve just been declared the President of the newly formed Republic of MassimoL. What is the first thing you say to the nation?
You’ve just been declared the President of the newly formed Republic of MassimoL. What is the first thing you say to the nation?

Ed ecco le risposte:

My fellow Redditors, GallowBoobs reign of terror is over!!!

I would say “thanks for electing me, kind strangers!”

Execute anyone who complains about reposting.
Also execute anyone who knowingly reposts.

The Game

Let’s invade Tumblr!