Mini Guide

Consiglio: Don’t reveal your baby’s gender early. Instead of gaudy pink tutus or blue baseball onesies, people will gift you practical things your baby will actually need.

Consiglio del giorno che ti può essere utile:

No social agenda here. Just sharing a way for new parents to avoid tacky baby shower gifts.

It's amazing how quickly every defaults to pink and blue when it comes to baby shower gifts. Sure, an infant tiara is funny, but a month into parenthood you'll realize that $20 would be better spent on literally anything else.

If you don't share the gender outside your immediate family, you're waaay more likely to receive useful things like diapers, bottles, etc.

And don't worry, you'll still get clothes. But gender neutral baby clothes are more cute and stylish as opposed to super loud and tacky boy/girl clothes.

And lastly, yeah, you won't have to worry about burning down half a state with your ill-conceived (no pun) gender reveal party. Wins all around.