Mini Guide

Consiglio: When you feel the urge to do something unhealthy, instead of fighting it try ‘urge surfing’. This mindfulness technique is a proven strategy for curbing unwanted cravings.

Consiglio del giorno che ti può essere utile:

I've found urge surfing really helpful for avoiding late-night snacking lately, but it could be applied to many bad habits/addictions.

The basic idea is to take a seat and meditate, focusing on your breath. Visualise the urge as an ocean swell. Perform a body scan, looking to locate the physical sensations associated with the urge, such as tension. Rather than escaping the discomfort, explore the sensations fully: notice their quality, boundary and intensity while you surf the wave. And don’t get too attached to thoughts! If it helps, repeat the mantra “all things pass”.

I put together an in-depth guide to urge surfing for anyone interested:

LPT: When you feel the urge to do something unhealthy, instead of fighting it try 'urge surfing'. This mindfulness technique is a proven strategy for curbing unwanted cravings.