Domande di Internet

What is the biggest “lie” told to people in human history?

Bentornati ad un’altra favoloso edizione delle domande di cultura generale! Questa volta abbiamo cercato: What is the biggest “lie” told to people in human history? What is the biggest “lie” told to people in human history? Ed ecco le risposte: “The war won’t last long” Cephalobara “Please listen carefully as our menu options have recently […]

Mini Guide

Consiglio: How to get back into shape after years of smoking, addiction, and sedentary lifestyle

Consiglio del giorno che ti può essere utile: Hey,I was hoping someone could guide me or provide advice into how to get back into shape as it feels like an insurmountable wall at the moment. I used to be incredibly active as a teen, spending all day skateboarding and playing soccer, but at some point […]

Domande di Internet

What did your celebrity crush do or say that completely killed your crush on them?

Bentornati ad un’altra super edizione delle domande di cultura generale! Questa volta abbiamo cercato una domanda rivolta alle donne.What did your celebrity crush do or say that completely killed your crush on them? Ed ecco le risposte del genere femminile: Mod note: Locked due to rampant derailing. Thanks to those who participated within the rules. […]

Mini Guide

Consiglio: sick of being price gauged for bottled water at hotels? Most of their fitness centers have a water cooler.

Consiglio del giorno che ti può essere utile: Just bring a refillable bottle. Ice cold clean water at no cost.

Domande di Internet

Ladies, what’s your equivalent of getting distracted by boobs?

Bentornati ad un’altra straordinaria edizione delle domande di cultura generale! Questa volta abbiamo cercato: Ladies, what’s your equivalent of getting distracted by boobs? Ladies, what’s your equivalent of getting distracted by boobs? Ed ecco le risposte: Reading the comments it doesn’t seem like there is a clear equivalent timeflake I like a thick butt and […]

Relazioni e amore

Why so many people seem to disregard passionate romantic love?

Bazzatron9000 ci racconta la sua esperienza in amore: I don't necessary mean here but in general on MassimoL and over the internet. It looks to me than many people disregard or belittle passionate romantic love. They saying it's just lust, it doesn't last… And they seem to push to idea of slow burn boring “love”. […]

Domande di Internet

[] Why have there never been animals as big as the dinosaurs since their extinction?

Bentornati ad un’altra super edizione delle domande di cultura generale! 477 utenti della rete avevano questa curiosità: [Spiegami] Why have there never been animals as big as the dinosaurs since their extinction? Apart from a blue whale there have not been any significantly large animals since the dinosaurs roamed the planet. Why haven’t we seen […]