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What causes the sudden ringing in the ear that goes away few seconds later?

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73 utenti della rete avevano questa curiosità: Spiegami: What causes the sudden ringing in the ear that goes away few seconds later?
Spiegami: What causes the sudden ringing in the ear that goes away few seconds later?

Ed ecco le risposte:

That’s supposed to go away??

This actually has a name: Sudden Brief Unilateral Tapering Tinnitus (SBUTT). I don’t think anyone knows for sure what causes it.

The ringing is caused by dying ear “hair” cells

There are a lot of small hair like structures that detect air pressure and create the sound you are hearing. Sometimes these hair die and fall over. This is when you start hear the ringing. Your brain quickly interpert this as noice pollution and tunes the sound off.

Glad I’m not alone in this. I’ve tinnitus these days, but what you describe I’ve had randomly all my life?

Even though this isn’t a real Spiegami answer, the answer is that we don’t really know. However, there are claims that it can be linked to Vitamin B deficiency and I experienced it when my Vitamin B levels were too low. It mostly stopped since I started taking B12 supplements.