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My(17F) bf(17M) hung up when I mentioned getting a job?

Like everyone else has said, move on. This guy does not love you or have your best interests at heart. If he loved you, he’d want you to do the things that made you happy and helped you to succeed, like getting a job and saving up before college.

Instead he is possessive, jealous and controlling. He’s only interested in you insofar as you can make him happy and build him up, and that is not the foundation of a healthy relationship.

You can do better, and the truth is this guy probably knows it. I don’t know whether or not this guy is your first boyfriend but I think sometimes we stay in bad relationships because we don’t know any better. He’s right in saying you will meet guys through work as well as college etc, and will probably end up leaving him in the dust.

Don’t hang on too long. If he’s being toxic (he is – he doesn’t want you to have a job), then you should just break up with him before it becomes too bad.

You’re dating an insecure, controlling, manipulative douchebag. Seriously, move on before it becomes worse.