Relazioni e amore

True love and loyal friends are two of the hardest things to find. Once you found them, hold on to them. Don’t take someone who really loves and appreciates you for granted.

How do you know if they truly love and appreciate you

I believe I’ve found both luckily enough at 16 for my best friend and only 25 for my true love. I’m eternally grateful for them both

Well said! I hope a lot of people read this cuz it doesn’t seem to be common knowledge anymore

I can’t stop telling myself I don’t deserve that

My two best friends Miguel and Jason. They have put up with a lot of shit from me, and they are always there to catch me when I fall. I really don’t want to cause them any more drama because I have come really close to losing both of them and I lovevthem both dearly. I would be lost without them for real. I am trying to do better by both my dudes now.
I totally felt this post 3000.